How to Be a Little Without a Daddy
16 simple ideas you can try to help you get in to littlespace today
Littlespace is the natural, carefree childlike state of mind that a person regresses in to when they want to be little. For most littles, littlespace is a genuine state of age regression and a part of their natural personality.
Being in littlespace is one of the best ways to relieve stress. In fact, it's so useful that age regression is even used in a clinical setting to help treat PTSD and general anxiety disorder.
Even if being little is a part of your personality, it's not always easy to switch from an adult state of mind in to littlespace, especially if you have a lot going on in your life, but there are a few things you can try to make it easier:
The easiest way to get in to littlespace is to spend time doing things that make you feel little. This is different for everyone, but it might be wearing little clothes, being around your favourite toys, listening to little music, having your caregiver care for you, or spending time colouring or drawing.
Every little is different, different things work for different people so don't worry if it takes some time for you to find out what works best for you. Here are 1 6 ideas you can try today to help you get in to littlespace. I hope they work for you and if you have any suggestions please leave a comment so everyone else can try them too!
1: Eating little food:
One way that can help you feel little is to eat food that makes you comfortable, that reminds you of being young, or brings back happy memories. We all have to eat anyway, and eating food we enjoy releases positive reward chemicals in our brains, so make something you really want!
Prepare your food on small plates to help with portion control, or create little sized snacks and treats to carry around throughout the day. Don't forget to eat enough to nourish your adult body though.
You can try using childlike items too when you eat such as plastic cutlery, paper or plastic plates, or sippy cups for juice to add to the experience.
If you have a partner or caregiver, having them prepare food for you can also be a big trigger for some people, and cooking with your partner can be fun too!
Some little food suggestions are macaroni & cheese, pizza, ice cream, grapes, spaghetti hoops, breakfast cereal, melon, hot chocolate, or fruit juice.

2: Dressing up (or down!):
For some people this is a big part of being little and can be a really strong trigger. Dress up in your favourite outfit that makes you feel cute and good about yourself, or put on a cosy onesie or pyjamas to help you feel comfortable, safe and relaxed.
Some littles and adult babies like to wear age specific gear like diapers, pacifiers etc, but it's not necessary.
Oversized hoodies work for me!
Clothing can be combined with anything else on this list, find out what works best for you and put them on before you try some of the other options!
3: Toys!
If there is one thing most littles can relate to, it's a compulsive, slightly unhealthy obsession with stuffed animals. (Don't try to deny it!!!) Most kids had at least one when they were younger.
They may bring back memories of being a child, they are soft and cuddly, something comfortable that remind us of childhood or home and help us feel calm. (Similar to a comfort blanket) You can take them anywhere to recall memories of a certain time, a certain person (maybe the person who bought it) or place.
Fun fact: Hugging has huge health benefits and releases serotonin and dopamine in your brain, helping to balance your mood and make you feel happy and fulfilled. It's been proven in clinical trials that this works even if you're hugging a stuffed animal or any other treasured possession. (Even imagining hugging someone you love is enough to trigger positive physiological effects in your brain)
Other toys you might have could be a play mat, colouring books, videogames etc. Anything at all can work so get creative!
4: Watch your favourite movie/tv show/cartoon/anime
Whatever you like to watch, getting lost in your favourite movie/show can help you relax in to littlespace. You can decide what works best, something you can get absorbed in for a while, or something simple you can put on in the background while you do something else.
Maybe your favourite movie is The Godfather… Nothing wrong with that! But, I suggest maybe some animated movies or cartoons like The Lion King, Spirited Away and Adventure Time. They are all cute and easy to watch but are intelligent enough you won't get bored watching it!
I've talked to quite a few people online who like to watch horror movies in littlespace too. I have a really low tolerance for horror movies so that honestly sounds horrible to me, but maybe it's something you could try too!
5: Accessorize!
Just like dressing up, using different accessories can help anyone feel little. Put a cute ribbon in your hair, use a sippy cup or a baby botle to drink, suck on a pacifier. There are loads of cute AgePlay accessories on Etsy, everything you could imagine from bracelets and necklaces to collars and cuffs.
I especially like when it's something that's not super obvious that you can wear wherever. Like Disney t-shirts, it's pretty socially acceptable to wear them in public, right? Or cute socks that you wear to work or school, then it's always funny when someone notices them!
6: Spend time with your caregiver
Being around your caregiver can make you feel little, having someone making decisions for you (even simple things like ordering food for you at a restaurant) and informing your behaviour is a very effective trigger.
Some people like to add rules, rewards and punishments to their relationship. While that is definitely effective for some people, I think the best thing about CGL relationships is the kind/nurturing nature of a natural CG.
Just the feeling of being in the safe and loving arms of someone who you know will always look after you is a powerful emotion, it's hardwired in to us in the oldest part of our brains.
7: Make yourself feel physically little
Lots of people worry about their size or weight, but littlespace really is a state of mind. It doesn't matter what size you are in real life, if you want to be little you can be! Be kind to yourself.
Wear oversized t-shirts and hoodies, have your partner or caregiver reach for something you can't reach, have them baby you and treat you like you're small. Sit in the back of the car!
Crawl around the floor instead of walking, play on a play mat or blanket on the floor instead of sitting on the sofa.
The feeling of being physically small can be a big trigger for some people, and it's easy to combine with other methods like toys or watching tv, mix things up to find what works best for you!
8: Colouring/drawing/painting
Something you can focus on and be creative. It's messy, childish and fun! Use your fingers to paint if you want to. You can paint with your partner/caregiver, colour or draw on your own to relax.
You can get some nice colouring books and have your caregiver pick one out for you to colour for them, or draw something they can treasure.
Any form of art gives you something to focus on, relieves stress and fosters creative growth, and it's fun! So, if you don't like drawing, try something else creative.
9: Crafting
Maybe this reminds you of when you were in school or of when you were a child. There are so many things that fall under this category, you will easily be able to find something that suits you.
Have your partner/caregiver help you if you want to, it's a great and fun way to bond, and you will have something at the end that you both worked on and can be proud of.
Some ideas I found that look super fun:
Crafting – pebble painting:
These look so good once they are finished! Just collect some nice pebbles and paint them in whatever style you want, they look great around the house or garden.
You could even make a fun trip out of collecting the pebbles, then once you paint them you will always remember your trip when you see them.
For painting, you can either use acrylic paints or paint markers.
Crafting – pressing leaves:
This looks so good! Collect the leaves, press them in a heavy book and you can use them to make awesome leaf animals, or frame them and hang them on the wall.
I remember when I was younger and used to stay with my grandparents my grandma used to let me use her old books for this. You can find some really beautiful leaves in the autumn once the leaves start turning red.
For best results leave them in a heavy book for several days. Once you come back to them they will be thin and dry, but they will have kept all their colours, then you can frame them or use them to decorate something.
You can buy a pressing kit, which is just a piece of wood with four screws in each corner, but it's honestly just as easy to use a book!

Crating – cardmaking:
Upcoming birthday? Easter? Christmas? Thursday?
Create a nice card for the people you love.
A home made card is so much more thoughtful than a store bought one. The sky is the limit with this idea.
10: Play with pets
What could be more fun than playing with your pet! I am definitely a dog person but over the years and growing up I had dogs cats, guinea pigs, rabbits and a fish. (RIP Thumper!!! ????????)
Snuggly, cute, playful fluffballs are the funnest thing ever and can really help you get in to littlespace.
11: Build a blanket fort
Build yourself a blanket fort and snuggle up inside it. Be creative and use your imagination! Your blanket fort can be anything you like, the only limit is your imagination.
Building is more fun with two, get your partner or caregiver to help you, it can be a good bonding experience! Once built, your fort is somewhere comfy and safe you can hide in to help you relax in to your littlespace state of mind.
Recently, I saw this video online of a guy building a blanket fort for his partner coming home from work. She was a nurse and working through the recent health crisis and it was so wholesome to see her face when she came home to this. If this isn't relationship goals what is?!
12: Listen to little music
Put some little music on! Different things can work here, maybe lullabies (similar to ASMR videos – see below), children's music, relaxing music, cartoon theme tunes… or really just anything that helps you relax and feel good. The possibilities are endless!
Here are some littlespace spotify playlists you might like:
13: Go outside for a walk
Spending time in nature can help improve physical and mental health, as well as increase your mood. Take a walk in a local park, or in the countryside.
Don't take any electronics with you, allow yourself to live in the moment.
Practice mindfulness, notice everything around you – clouds, flowers, animals, trees, plants, other people. Notice the sounds you hear and the scents you smell.
Practicing mindfulness is much easier walking in nature than it is sitting at home where you have distractions, but if you can't, don't worry too much about it, just enjoy your relaxing walk knowing you are getting all the great benefits it brings.
If you go for a walk with your partner/caregiver it's a great time to be alone with them and just enjoy each other's company.
14: Collect things
What? You don't have a pet rock collection yet? What are you waiting for!
You can collect anything you like, it's a great way to get outside and give you something fun to focus on to help you get in to littlespace. Seashells, Pebbles, Flowers, Leaves, Berries… (Be careful with berries, some are poisonous)
Beautiful pebbles and shells look great in the garden or around the house
Flowers and leaves look great once they are pressed, you can find different species at different times of the year and in different areas to build up an awesome collection.
Collecting berries, fruit and mushrooms can be fun. You can use them in cooking (you can eat a surprising amount of berries – but don't eat anything you can't identify!)
15: ASMR videos
I used to think I was a bit abnormal for enjoying these videos so much, but over time they have become more and more popular, and there are even some specifically related to Ageplay which can be a huge help getting in to littlespace.
I find any ASMR videos can really help, they don't have to be specifically Ageplay videos. There is so much great ASMR content now on YouTube, you will be able to find something that works for you.
Check out the AgePlayASMR Subreddit for more videos like this! r/AgePlayASMR
16: Being around other littles
Being around other littles can be a great trigger, and a good way to learn more about yourself and other people. Some people can only get in to littlespace around their caregivers or other littles, so this is definitely one to try out if you're struggling!
If you don't know any other littles, even talking to other littles online or watching a youtube video of someone else in littlespace can work just as well.
There are loads of great groups dedicated to our community, both online and in person if you're looking to meet other little friends. Just a quick google search for Ageplay Groups will set you on the right path!
There are sooo many different ways to get in to littlespace.
No two people are the same and it would be impossible to list every possible technique here, but I really hope you found something here that worked for you, or at least you got some inspiration to try something else.
If you have any other suggestions or methods that work for you please share them in the comments so that everyone else can benefit from your suggestions too!
How to Be a Little Without a Daddy